ISSS Online Forms Will be Unavailable 8/8/15

To all international students, scholars, exchange visitors, and Uconn sponsoring departments:

ISSS online forms (online check-in, new student orientation registration and payment, OPT information form, I-20/DS-2019 Online Request Form to name a few) will become unavailable on Saturday, 8/8/15.  Please plan accordingly and avoid this outage period to ensure ISSS receives your information.

Message from UITS:

The UITS Data Center will be down between 5:00 am – 5:00 pm on Saturday, August 8th, and the power in MSB will be shut off between 7:00 am – 3:00 pm.  During this planned outage, facilities will correct systemic issues with power distribution and supply to the Data Center.  We will be maintaining information about this outage, including a detailed timeline and a list of services that will remain available, at

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